Musical Connections 1 (Return)
Click the item and identify the singer or group.
This is the first part of the answer. The second part is the person,
place or thing that connects to the first answer in the pattern 1:2:2:3. So if the
music is a song by Holy Smoke, and the picture is a mountain range in Kentucky,
the answer is Holy Smokey Mountains.
The music is always the first clue and the picture is the second. Links are underlined.
1. Luxor.
2. Paris avenue.
3. Defoe classic.
4. Patagonia waterway.
5. Perry Mason's secretary.
6. Helps build strong bodies 8 ways.
7. 1954 Supremes hit.
8. Tapestry.
9. McConnell.
10. Sledgehammer.
11. On the Road Again.
12. 500 Miles.
13. Evangelical Conclave.
14. Holder of the highest season batting average and second highest career average.
15. Yardbird Suite.
16. Under Milkwood.
17. Youngest heavyweight champ.
18. Folsom Prison.
19. Justification for the Vietnam war.
20. Bespoke Suit.