1. Equine too sick to whinny.
2. Wrench in Greenland.
3. Homosexuals' stare.
4. Arab chiefs Parkinson symptoms.
5. Flower sex organ's weapon of choice.
6. King Tut's ditch.
7. Angry ski trail.
8. An assortment of anti-Catholic slurs.
9. TB sufferer's strongbox.
10. Luxury liners' workers, Tom.
11. Female deer naps.
12. Henry VIII's second wife's sport.
13. Raider Carl's desktop stuff.
14. Old lady's inflamed the digestive tract.
15. Cartoon Blondie's creater's baby birds.
16. The French make a fuss when they say goodbye and redneck marriage vow.
17. Defense against paratrooper.
18. Unadorned Euclidian surface.
19. Mercy killing and Chinese teenagers.
20. Swan's seal.